_________Training and Research Unit of Chemistry _______
Pierre and Marie Curie Campus
April 2020
" The UFR of Chemistry ( Training and Research Unit No. 926),
as the Chemistry department of the Faculty of Sciences within the Sorbonne Université , is one of the most important centers of expertise in France in the field of chemistry.
It currently has 14 research laboratories, representing about 250 permanent teachers and non-permanent professors, 150 full-time researchers and more than 250 technicians and administrative staff.
Those laboratories belonging to the chemistry department are structured in 4 federations centered on molecular chemistry, materials chemistry, physical and theoretical chemistry, analytical and biological physicochemistry.
All The laboratories are involved in one of the two LabEx : MATISSE (acronym for Materials, Interface, Surface and Environment), or MiChem (acronym for Multi-scale Integrative Chemistry). MATISSE is a multidisciplinary project on the frontiers of chemistry, physics and earth sciences while MiChem is more focused on chemistry and aims to integrate the skills of physical chemistry, molecular chemistry and theoretical chemistry.
The "Annual Chemistry Day" takes place every year, allowing UFR members and students to meet and obtain information in the field of science.
The members of the UFR of Chemistry are involved in all levels of L1 university (first year of bachelor Degree) training to doctorate in general or more specialized training. By its size, the UFR of Chemistry allows the departments of License (BA) and Master to cover almost all disciplinary fields involving chemistry. Doctoral training takes place mainly in 3 doctoral schools: physical and analytical chemistry, materials sciences and molecular chemistry.
I hope you will take the time to explore our website to find out everything we have to offer and invite you to visit the UFR's News pages which, I hope, will demonstrate the dynamism of our discipline."
Serge Thorimbert
Director of the Unit of chemistry
Conferences Diary
12.02.2020 - 12.02.2020
IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast le mercredi 12 février 2020
« Construire des liens pour créer de futurs leaders »
Deuxième édition de l'événement international - IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast le mercredi 12 février 2020 à Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie23.01.2020
JAC' 2020
Journée Annuelle de la Chimie
Chaque année l'UFR de Chimie organise une demi journée dite Journée Annuelle de la Chimie (JAC)12.02.2019
" Global Women's Breakfast at Sorbonne University " on February 12th 2019
A Global Networking Event
索邦大学化学系主任Serge Thorimbert教授和索邦大学化学系研究员,分子化学研究所张勇民会见了代表团成员并交换了意见。
Visit of a delegation from the Guizhou Medical University (China) led by Lin Chang-hu, chairman of The Chairman of Guizhou Medical University Council, Wen Xiaojun, Director of Teaching Affairs Office and Tang Lei, Dean of School of Medicine and Health Management of the Guizhou Medical University.
The delegation has been received...14.06.2018
French Chemical Society PhD Award for Olivier Dalstein
Olivier Dalstein carried out his PhD (2014-2017) at the LCMCP (Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris/Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Collège de France) under the supervision of Dr Marco Faustini and Pr David Grosso, and in collaboration with Dr Andrea Cattoni at the C2N (Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies / CNRS).
Left to right
Nathalie Berezina (société Ynsect), Olivier Dalstein...15.05.2018
2018 CNRS Bronze Medal awarded to Tatiana Marchenko.
The CNRS Bronze Medal recognizes a researcher's first work, which makes that person a specialist with talent in a particular field. This medal is a way for the CNRS to encourage the researcher to continue work that has met with initial success and already produced fruitful results.
2018 CNRS Bronze Medal awarded to Tatiana Marchenko.15.05.2018
2018 CNRS Bronze Medal awarded to Sophie Carenco
The CNRS Bronze Medal recognizes a researcher's first work, which makes that person a specialist with talent in a particular field. This medal is a way for the CNRS to encourage the researcher to continue work that has met with initial success and already produced fruitful results.
2018 CNRS Bronze Medal awarded to Sophie Carenco31.12.2017
The Joseph-Achille Le Bel Prize 2017 to Philippe Walter
The Joseph-Achille Le Bel Prize 2016 by the Société Chimique de France (SCF, French Chemical Society) has been awarded to Philippe Walter, Director of the LAMS of Sorbonne Université.
The prize recognizes French chemists whose work is acclaimed on an international level and was presented during a ceremony on the 27th of june 2018.
05.05.2017 - 05.05.2017
Once again, The Faculty of Chemistry of the UPMC is honored with the nomination of Maguy JABER at the IUF
Once again, the Faculty of Chemistry of the UPMC is honored
with the nomination of Maguy JABER Professor at LAMS (Laboratory of Molecular and Structural Archeology) as Member of the Institut Universitaire de France.Maguy Jaber, a renowned expert in clay chemistry, is interested in hybrid materials, prebiotic chemistry, and is currently working on the chemistry of the heritage.
Maguy Jaber is appointed...01.03.2017
2017 CNRS Silver Medal awarded to Louis Fensterbank
The 2017 CNRS Silver Medal awarded to Louis Fensterbank, Professor at the UPMC
The CNRS Silver Medal honors researchers who are only at the beginning of their rise to fame, but who are already recognized nationally and internationally for the originality, quality, and importance of their work.01.03.2017
2016 CNRS Crystal Medal awarded to Christophe Méthivier
The CNRS Crystal Medal distinguishes engineers, technicians and administrative staff. It rewards those who, through their creativity, technical mastery and innovation, contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the excellence of French research.
2016 CNRS Crystal Medal Awarded to Christophe Méthivier09.02.2017
« Nickel(II) complex of a biradical: Structure, magnetic properties, high NMR temperature sensitivity and moderately fast molecular dynamics »
Nickel(II) complex of a biradical: Structure, magnetic properties, high NMR temperature sensitivity and moderately fast molecular dynamics
" Investigation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins through Exchange with Hyperpolarized Water "
" Investigation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins through Exchange with Hyperpolarized Water "
Dennis KurzbachEstel CanetAndrea G. FlammAditya JhajhariaEmmanuelle M. M. WeberRobert KonratBodenhausen Geoffrey Angewandte Chemie, Volume 56,09.02.2017
2016 IPCM Publications
« C-2 Alkylation and Alkenylation of Indoles Catalyzed by a Low-Valent Cobalt Complex in the Absence of Reductant ». A. Ali Mohamed, S. Salhi, S. Abid, R. El Gharbi, et A. Fradet, « Quasi-alternating polyesteramides from ε-caprolactone and α-amino acids », Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 133, nᵒ 46.M. E. Arbi, K. Jalléli, F. Trigui, P. Pigeon, M. Görmen, S. Top, S. Aifa, I. Fliss, G. Jaouen...
2016 LBM Publications
The effects of molecular diffusion in spatially encoded magnetic resonance imagingMarhabaie, SinaBodenhausen GeoffreyPelupessy Philippe
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 273, p. 98 - 104,
RIDME spectroscopy on high-spin Mn 2+ centersAkhmetzyanov, D.Ching H. Y. V.Denysenkov V.Demay-Drouhard P.Bertrand H. C.Tabares L. C.Policar C.Prisner T. F.Un S.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Volume 18, p. 30857-30866...20.01.2017
" Phase transition like behaviors in Aqueous Solutions studied by Soft X-ray Absorption in Transmission Mode "
" Phase transition like behaviors in Aqueous Solutions studied by Soft X-ray Absorption in Transmission Mode "
Séminaire présenté par le Professeur Nobuhiro KOSUGI (UVSOR-III Synchrotron, Institute for Molecular Science, Myodaiji, Okazaki Japan) Tuesday January 24th at 4PM01.01.2017
2016 LRS Publications
Alberto MezzettiWinfried LeiblTime-resolved infrared spectroscopy in the study of photosynthetic systems.Photosynthesis Research<10.1007/s11120-016-0305-3>Guillaume GougetPatricia BeaunierDavid PortehaultClément SanchezNew route toward nanosized crystalline metal borides with tuneable stoichiometry and variable morphologiesFaraday Discussions<10.1039/C6FD00053C>Smain SabourCatherine EspecelCéline...31.12.2016
" Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studies "
Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studiesSpadavecchia J., Movia D., Moore C., Maguire C.M., Moustaoui H. et al. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016, 11 (791-822), <10.2147/IJN.S97476>
Polyethylene glycol Gold-Nanoparticles: Facile Nanostructuration of Doxorubicin and its complex with DNA molecules for SERS detection
Polyethylene glycol Gold-Nanoparticles: Facile Nanostructuration of Doxorubicin and its complex with DNA molecules for SERS detectionSpadavecchia J., Perumal R., Casale S., Krafft J.-M., Methivier C. et al. Chemical Physics Letters, Elsevier, 2016, 648, pp.182-188. <10.1016/j.cplett.2015.08.038>
" Unusual behaviour of Au/ZnO catalysts in selective hydrogenation of butadiene due to the formation of a AuZn nanoalloy "
Unusual behaviour of Au/ZnO catalysts in selective hydrogenation of butadiene due to the formation of a AuZn nanoalloyDerrouiche S., La Fontaine C., Thrimurtulu G., Casale S., Laurent Delannoy L. et al. Catalysis Science , 2016, <10.1039/C5CY01664A>
" Demonstrative unit testing, process simulation and optimisation of H2 production from bioethanol and its use in fuel cells "
« Demonstrative unit testing, process simulation and optimisation of H2 production from bioethanol and its use in fuel cells » " Innovative and durable catalysts for H2 and ethylene production from bioethanol "
" Static and dynamic electronic characterization of organic monolayers grafted on a silicon surface Pluchery "
Static and dynamic electronic characterization of organic monolayers grafted on a silicon surfacePluchery O., Zhang Y., Benbalagh R., Caillard L., Gallet J. J., Bournel F., Lamic-Humblot A.-F., Salmeron M., Chabal Y. J., Rochet F.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, pp. 3675-3684, 2016 (DOI 10.1039/c5cp05943g)
"Application of 3-Nitro-2-Pyridinesulfenyl (Npys) Derivatives to Chemical Biology, Peptide Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry"
"Application of 3-Nitro-2-Pyridinesulfenyl (Npys) Derivatives to Chemical Biology, Peptide Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry"
Abstract :
3-Nitro-2-pyridinesulfenyl group (Npys) is a classical protective group developed in 1980, particularly for protecting a thiol (SH) group with a unique characteristic; “-Cys(Npys)-“ readily reacts with an unprotected SH group to form a disulfide bond. Based on this...31.12.2015
" Transformations of isopropanol on aluminous solids: a mixed experimental approach / multi-scale chemistry-physics modeling " Kim Larmier UPMC, 2015, french.
" Transformations of isopropanol on aluminous solids: a mixed experimental approach / multi-scale chemistry-physics modeling "
Kim Larmier UPMC, 2015, french.31.12.2015
"Nanoparticles of iron oxides and ferrites obtained by nano-replication: chemical reactivity and application in water pollution control Analytical chemistry"
"Nanoparticles of iron oxides and ferrites obtained by nano-replication: chemical reactivity and application in water pollution control Analytical chemistry" Nabil Tabaja, UPMC, 2015,french.
" Study of the reactivity of metal surfaces in the presence of gaseous molecules "
" Study of the reactivity of metal surfaces in the presence of gaseous molecules " Rickielle Ngongang Nganteu, UPMC, 2015, in french.
" Hybrids Derived from Intrinsically Chiral Dawson Polyoxometalate : Preparation and Application in Enantioselective Catalysis "
" Hybrids Derived from Intrinsically Chiral Dawson Polyoxometalate : Preparation and Application in Enantioselective Catalysis "17 of April, 2015
"Intracellular biomineralization by cyanobacteria: from model to Chimie-Physique cells" Nithavong Cam UPMC, 2015, french
" Intracellular biomineralization by cyanobacteria: from model to Chimie-Physique cells "
Nithavong Cam UPMC, 2015,french
Serge Thorimbert (serge.thorimbert @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
Deputy Director
Laurent Gaillon (laurent.gaillon @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
Administrative manager
Valérie TEISSEYRE (valerie.teisseyre @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 29 98
Fernande SARRAZIN (fernande.sarrazin @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 31 89
Teachers Management
Fatima RADJEI (fatima.radjei @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 38 12
Alain FRIGARA (alain.frigara @ sorbonne-universite.fr)